Achieve Well, Aim High, Have Fun

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Achieve Well, Aim High, Have Fun



At Shelton Infant School our intent is for our children to be confident and excited explorers who are intrigued by the world in which they live. We want to provide our children with opportunities to investigate and enquire to support them in developing greater curiosity. We aim to teach scientific concepts through the use of first-hand practical experiences, as well as using some appropriate secondary sources, such as books, photographs and videos to support children’s learning. We want our children to learn and use scientific vocabulary. We aim to inspire children through events such as Science Week, Senses Day, the light/dark classroom etc. We aim to develop our children into considerate young people who care about the plants and animals in the world around them and have an awareness of the impact of science on their lives through our ECO committee, Green Flag accreditation and linking lessons to real world scenarios (e.g.) reducing ocean pollution. We want our children to be confident in asking questions and to have chances to find the answers for themselves, encouraging them to be involved in their own learning and develop enquiring minds.

 Our Science curriculum is broad and ambitious with a wide breadth of knowledge and skills taught from the beginning of Nursery to the end of Year Two. It meets the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and also the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science at Key Stage One.



Our whole school progression document and half termly knowledge and skills organisers for Science have been created by teachers working together across all year groups.  

These documents are used to ensure that the knowledge and skills that teachers want the children to know, remember and use are clearly identified and carefully sequenced from Nursery to Year 2. This also ensures continuity and progression of teaching and learning.


During their time in the EYFS the children are given plenty of opportunities for investigation in order to help them develop enquiring minds and encourage them to ask questions about the world around them.

Children develop their understanding of the world around them through practical hands on experiments and investigations through both group teaching and continuous provision. Educational visits are carefully chosen to enhance children’s learning. We also use non-fiction books, photographs and videos to encourage children to examine secondary sources of information. Adults model correct scientific vocabulary and encourage the children to use it themselves when sharing their ideas.

Key Stage One

During their time in Key Stage One, children will further develop their enquiring minds by asking their own questions. They will predict, plan and carry out investigations and observations as well as conclude their findings. The children will use scientific vocabulary when discussing and presenting their findings with others. Educational visits are carefully chosen to enhance pupil’s learning within the Science curriculum.

Children across all year groups are given the opportunity to further their scientific learning at home through challenges that are set at different points in the year. Through the ECO Committee and Green Flag accreditation, children in all year groups are given the opportunity to think about the impact of Science on their own lives and their impact on the world around them.


Children make good progress over time relative to their starting points. Throughout their time at our school pupils know and remember more in Science.  Most children are ready for the next stage of their education when they leave Shelton Infant School. Teachers regularly assess children’s knowledge and skills using ongoing formative assessment and complete summative assessments at three points during the year.

The subject leader evaluates the impact of the curriculum through lesson observations, professional dialogue with colleagues, and pupil voice which includes scrutiny of children’ work, discussions with pupils and their enjoyment of Science.

 Our children say:-

  • I like Science because we get to do experiments – you have to make sure it’s a fair test.
  • I liked it when we made different habitats for animals around the world.
  • We learnt about life cycles. We found out what happens when you grow up. It goes baby, toddler, children, teenager, adult. Adults can do everything!
  • We did an emergency message in a bottle. You need shelter, water, air and food to live. Air is so you can breathe. Shelter is so you don’t get cold. Water so you don’t get dehydrated.
  • We learnt about body parts. You have muscles and bones inside you. The skull helps to keep your brain safe and makes sure it stays inside your body. We made skeletons.
  • We put salt and vinegar in the pumpkins and it exploded!
  • We found out about healthy food. Cookies are unhealthy, they make your teeth bad. Carbohydrates are pasta and potatoes – they make you stronger and give you energy.

 For more information about our Science Curriculum, please contact Hayley Butler (Science Leader) –