Achieve Well, Aim High, Have Fun

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Achieve Well, Aim High, Have Fun



At Shelton Infant School we want our pupils to achieve well, aim high and have fun.  We want them to be happy and feel secure whilst in school. We encourage the children to appreciate each other, to be polite and to help others when needed.

It is our intent, to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern day Britain to become confident and responsible citizens. Alongside parents, we will aim to nurture the development of personal aspirations and to recognise their goals and potentials in life. It is our intent that the school parliament will allow pupils to have a voice within the school.

Children’s physical, emotional and mental health is of paramount importance to us and we want children, parents and carers to know where and how to access appropriate help.

We want children to develop key life skills, for example; how to recognise the characteristics of a healthy relationship, and foster their own positive relationships with their peers and adults.  In a safe and inclusive environment, we will encourage children to take risks and become resilient and reflective learners.

Our PSHE curriculum brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. Teaching strategies are varied and are mindful of preferred learning styles and the need for differentiation.  PSHE is taught from the beginning of Nursery to the end of Year Two. 

It meets the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and also the requirements of the statutory guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education.  PSHE (which include Relationships and Health Education) is taught every half term through a planned scheme of work that follows the ‘PSHE Matters Derbyshire’ programme. The PSHE Association curriculum map informs this programme, which is a DFE recommended scheme.



Our whole school progression document and half termly knowledge and skills organisers for PSHE have been created by teachers working collaboratively and using the PSHE Matters Derbyshire scheme as a framework.  We plan a ‘spiral programme’ which introduces new and more challenging learning, while building on what has gone before.

These documents are used to ensure that the knowledge and skills that teachers want the children to know, remember and use are clearly identified and carefully sequenced from Nursery to Year 2. This also ensures continuity and progression of teaching and learning.



During their time in EYFS, the children are taught PSHE alongside the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) areas of learning which covers; Emotions, Sense of Self, and Relationships.

We support children to develop strong, warm and supportive relationships with adults and enable children to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. Children are supported to manage their emotions and develop a positive sense of self. We encourage children to have confidence in their own abilities and set themselves simple goals.  Through adult modelling and guidance, children will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage their personal needs independently.  We support children’s interaction with other children and help them to learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably. 

These attributes provide a secure platform from which children can achieve at school and in later life.


Key Stage One

In Key Stage 1, each module starts with learning opportunities. These are taken from the ‘PSHE Association Programme of Study 2020/21’ which is based on three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.

 During their time in KS1 we provide a safe and supportive learning environment where children can develop the confidence to ask questions, challenge the information they are offered, draw on their own experience, express their views and opinions and put what they have learned into practice in their own lives. We allow time for children to discuss, listen and reflect on theirs and others experiences.   We encourage children to reflect on what they can do to keep themselves and others healthy and safe, and to lead happy and fulfilling live. We use age appropriate resources such as story books, videos and games to support the teaching of PSHE.


PSHE cannot always be confined to specific timetabled time. PSHE is also delivered within a whole school approach which includes: 

  • Dedicated curriculum time
  • Teaching PSHE through and in other subjects/curriculum areas
  • Special assemblies
  • Enrichment activities and school events
  • Special themed weeks
  • Learning to Learn attitudes
  • School Trips
  • Pastoral care and guidance
  • Visiting speakers

We encourage children to reflect on their learning and the progress they have made and transfer what they have learned in school to their lives in the wider community.


Children make good progress over time relative to their starting points. Throughout their time at our school pupils know and remember more in PSHE.  

Teachers regularly assess children’s knowledge and skills using ongoing formative assessment and complete summative assessments at three points during the year.

The subject leader evaluates the impact of the curriculum through lesson observations, professional dialogue with colleagues, and pupil voice which includes scrutiny of children’ work, discussions with pupils and their enjoyment of PSHE.

 Our children say:-

  • It doesn’t matter if we like different things because we are all different.
  • I made a bracelet with my friend and we drew what we were good at.
  • I learnt how to be healthy and you need to brush your teeth twice a day to stop them decaying.
  • We know how to stay safe in the sun because we know the ‘Slip Slap Slop’ song.
  • I know how to stay safe online and tell a grown up if someone is pretending to be someone else.
  • We learnt about how families can be different.
  • I found out about emergencies and when you need to ring 999.


For more information about our PSHE Curriculum, please contact Lindsey Badri (PSHE Leader) –