Achieve Well, Aim High, Have Fun

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Carlton Avenue, Shelton Lock, Derby, Derbyshire DE24 9EJ

01332 700 353

Achieve Well, Aim High, Have Fun

Religious Education


At Shelton Infant School it is our intent that we will nurture understanding, empathy and respect for cultures and religions in our community and of people throughout the world.

We want our children to know and understand a variety of religions and worldviews. In a safe and inclusive environment, children are given the opportunity to discuss and reflect on what they have learnt; also, at home and in their wider community. We actively encourage children to share and celebrate their own personal beliefs and those of others. As a school we value and nurture links with the local community and places of worship. 

We aim to celebrate our similarities and differences by exploring an open minded attitude and we will promote a safe and inquisitive atmosphere which allows the children to develop their own personal philosophy.

Our RE curriculum is broad and ambitious with a wide breadth of knowledge and skills taught from the beginning of Nursery to the end of Year Two. It meets the requirements of the Derby City Agreed Syllabus for RE.



Our whole school progression document and half termly knowledge and skills organisers for RE have been created by teachers working together using the Derby City Agreed Syllabus.

Our curriculum documents have been reviewed and validated by the Open Centre, Derby.

These documents are used to ensure that the knowledge and skills that teachers want the children to know, remember and use are clearly identified and carefully sequenced from Nursery to Year 2. This also ensures continuity and progression of teaching and learning.



During their time in the EYFS the children are exposed to Religious Education within the classroom through a variety of different activities through both continuous and enhanced provision.

RE sits within the areas of Understanding the World and Communication and Language.  Aspects of RE can also be found in Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy and Expressive Arts and Design. This framework enables children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others, and to learn how to form positive and respectful relationships. They will do this through a balance of guided, planned teaching and pursuing their own learning within an enabling environment. They will begin to understand and value the differences of individuals and groups within their own immediate community. Children will have opportunity to develop their emerging moral and cultural awareness. They will encounter religious and non-religious worldviews in a variety of ways.


Key Stage One

Children will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, recognising their local, national and global contexts. A particular emphasis will be placed on Christianity, Judaism and Islam. They will raise questions and begin to express their own views in response to the material they learn about and in response to questions about their ideas.

The school has close links with two local churches, both of which the children will visit and study. The school also has strong links with the Open Centre in Derby and children will benefit from a workshop delivered by this organisation in Year 1. Year 2 children will undertake a Religious Trail facilitated by the Open Centre visiting different places of worship in Derby.

All children will participate in assemblies which are regularly delivered by the School Chaplain.


Children make good progress over time relative to their starting points. Throughout their time at our school pupils know and remember more in Religious Education. Teachers regularly assess children’s knowledge and skills using ongoing formative assessment and complete summative assessments at three points during the year.

The subject leader evaluates the impact of the curriculum through lesson observations, professional dialogue with colleagues, and pupil voice which includes scrutiny of children’ work, discussions with pupils and their enjoyment of Religious Education.

 Our children say:-

  • I liked visiting the Sikh Gurdwara and the Mosque. We got to eat some food in the Hindu temple.
  • We had to cover our heads in the Gurdwara and the Mosque to show respect.
  • In Judaism we learnt about the Eternal Flame and the Star of David.
  • We found out about Hajj – it’s like a journey that Muslims make and they go to Mecca and walk round their special place seven times.
  • I like it when we go to church and sing songs – my favourite song is Shine.
  • We learnt that God made the world in seven days.
  • I like it when we have assemblies and act out the stories from the Bible.

 For more information about our Religious Education Curriculum, please contact Dan Smith (Religious Education Leader) –